Are you ready to don your pirate hat and seek treasure and adventure? If you've misplaced your treasure map, here are some ways to celebrate!
- Treasure Hunt (click my Arg, Maties! post for directions on how to make an aged treasure map)
- Make Buried Treasure Cups (click link for directions). Our first treasure hunt ended up at the fridge for the buried treasure cups.
- Read your favorite pirate book (link to ours)
- Make Pumpkin Pirate Boats (click my Arg, Maties! post for directions)
- Pirate themed coloring pages (I have a coloring sheet in my Arg, Maties! post)
- Have a pirate speaking contest
- Serve chocolate gold coins at lunch. They go great with Squidy Dogs, although for Pirate Day maybe they should be called Kraken Dogs! (click link for directions)
- If your floors need cleaning, you could always have a swab the deck contest! ;)
- Try my Pirate Word Find
- For bath time, try making foam monsters and ship shapes
- If you live near a river, etc. with river boat cruises, see if they have a pirate themed cruise. We did one a few years ago, and the boys loved it!
- Have a coin toss! Similar to my St. Patrick's Day Coin Toss, but make a treasure chest using shoe box or other cardboard box.
How I Became A Pirate (I love these books!)
Pirates Don't Change Diapers
Pirates Activity Book (great in case of a rainy day)
Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon
Pirates (Follow up to Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon, information on pirates.)
Shiver Me Letters: A Pirates ABC
The Pirate Cruncher
There Was An Old Pirate Who Swallowed A Fish
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean video game (Wii, DS, 3DS, XBox, Playstation, etc.)
Melissa & Doug Pirate Puzzle
Pirate Ship Toy
Pirate Tattoos
Tomy Pop-Up Pirate Game
Alex Toys Pirates of the Tub
Pirates Only Room Sign
Jake's Never Land Pirate School, free app for the iPhone or iPad
Scooby Doo! Pirates Ahoy!
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Pirates
Chocolate gold coins
Pirate's Booty, White Cheddar Popcorn
Bubblegum gold coins
Chocolate silver coins
Chocolate penny coins
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