
Friday, July 24, 2015

Bee Fingerprint Art!

It's the middle of summer, but it's been pretty rainy so we've had a lot of indoor time. Luckily we've found ways to keep busy! 

This is a fun craft to do and it's pretty easy! To make a honey comb picture, there are two options:

Option 1:
1. Press a finger into a light yellow or tan
    paint and press into a pyramid shape.
    Turn paper upside down and repeat.
    Let dry.
2. Dip finger tip in yellow paint and gently
    press around the paper to form the bees
3. Use a fine tip black marker to draw on
    eyes, stripes, and wings. (You could also
    use black paint and a thin tipped
    paint brush.
4. Use the marker to draw dots around the
    paper to create a flight pattern for the

Option 2:
1. Cut a hexagon out of potato.
2. Use potato to stamp out hexagon shapes
    for the bee hive.
3. Follow above steps 2-4 in Option 1, to create the


  • Bees have 4 wings and 6 legs.
  • The buzzing sound comes from the bees wings.
  • Bees smell using their antennas and taste with its tongue and front legs.
  • Many people think bees are yellow and black, but there are some that are green, blue or red!
  • One hive can have up to 70,000 bees living in it!
  • The queen bee is the biggest bee in the hive. She lays the eggs. She can live up to 5 years.
  • Other female bees are worker bees. They live up to 8 weeks when working.
  • Male bees are drones. After mating, they die.
  • Once a honey bee stings you, it dies. Only girl bees have stingers.
  • Bees live all over the world, except where it is very cold.
  • Bees go through 4 stages: Egg, Larva, Pupa, Adult.
  • If a bee finds pollen, it does a dance to tell the other bees where it is.

Time For Kids Bees!
Bees by Deborah Hodge

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