
Monday, April 14, 2014

String Up My Easter Treats

A few years ago, I made string eggs and thought they were a pain in the butt. It never turned out the way I thought they should. I saw an upgrade on the idea where you put a piece of candy in the balloon. Once the string/glue is dried, you pop the balloon and the candy is left inside. I thought this looked like something the kids would love, so I tried it again. This time it actually (mostly) worked!

You will need:
  • Craft glue, school glue, or Elmer's glue
  • Small balloons
  • Thin string, thread, yarn, Embroidery Thread/Floss
  • Small wrapped candy

1. Hold balloon open and insert candy.
2. Blow up balloon to get egg shape.
3. Dip string in glue. Wipe off excess. DM Tip: I placed glue in a disposable bowl and dipped the string in. I then ran the string through my fingers to get the excess off.
4. Press/drape around the egg. Make sure the string overlaps.

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