Welcome! I am a mom to two wonderful kids, a lovely retired greyhound, and a wife to a great husband. Needless to say, there are a lot of daily messes to clean up around our house. Daily Messes is my blog to share ideas on things to do with your kids, snack and meal ideas, crafts, and holiday fun. I hope you find something to enjoy!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thank you!

I've been nominated for the Liebster Award again by three different people. I want to say a big THANK YOU! to Shelley's Daily Dosetickles and tots, and BebeSweetz. This made my day!

The first time I received this award it took me a long time to come up with my answers and questions, so I know how hard these women worked at coming up with their own replies and queries. It's been crazy here lately and I didn't want anyone to feel like I was ignoring this wonderful award, so I picked a few questions from each person who nominated me.

What is your favorite hobby? For relaxing, I would definitely have to say reading, followed closely by listening to music. For learning new skills, it would be cake and cupcake decorating.
Share one of your favorite recipes? I would have to say the chicken casserole recipe that my mom and grandma make. I grew up loving it and it still makes me happy when I eat it.
What do you enjoy most about blogging? I enjoy seeing comments and knowing that what I put out there was helpful to others. I've only been doing this a year and I love exploring the blogging community. There are so many great blogs out there and there are many bloggers that I see supporting each other.

Which household chore is the hardest to tackle for you? Laundry. I know, it's a pretty easy thing. I will gladly put the clothes in the washer and dryer but for some reason it's the folding that I get hung up on. Cleaning the bathroom is right there too.
Do you have pets?  If so how did they react when you first introduced your new baby? We have a wonderful dog. She was curious the first day we brought our oldest home, and then sad when she realized she wasn't the baby anymore. However, she gets along with the kids pretty well now...mostly because they feed her.
Do you ever doubt your decisions as a mother? Yes, quite a lot. On days where I think I am doing it all wrong, the kids will say or do something that makes me think that I can't be all that bad.
What do you do for a living? I am currently a stay at home mom. Once both the kids are in full time school, I will find a part time job. I want it to be flexible so I can pick them up if they are sick and be there to drop them off in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. I have no idea what this future job might be though!
How many kids do you have? 2
Do you have any hobbies and if so, what are they? I make lots of crafts with my boys. However, I love decorating cakes and have recently ventured into cupcakes. I make a themed birthday cake each year for their birthdays and try to outdo myself each time. I will spend probably 1-3 days on their cakes. I know...it's crazy. But I do enjoy doing it!

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