
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sleigh Time, Bear Style

We had a lot of left over candy canes that I was about to get rid of, when I decided to make a snack out of them. The kids loved them and they were pretty easy to make.

You will need:
  • Candy canes
  • Mini candy bars
  • Teddy graham snacks
  • Icing

1. Unwrap the candy canes.
2. Unwrap candy bar. Cut a small sliver out of the middle of the candy bar.
3. Smear icing on the bottom of the candy bar.
4. Place candy canes with curved part facing up.
5. Place candy bar on the candy canes. The icing will act as a glue and hold everything in place.
6. Finally, place teddy bear in the cut part of the candy.

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