
Friday, January 18, 2013

Parent Interviews

I thought it would be fun to hear about different moms or dads and their experiences with parenting. We're all so different, but we're on the same journey and can learn from each other! This is the beginning of my Parent Interview posts, so I thought I would get the ball rolling. If you would be interested in participating, contact me at I can Skype, talk on the phone, or email...whatever works best for you. I look forward to hearing your stories! I would also love to have a picture to add to the post, so feel free to send a picture of you or you with your kids. (I will not be editing the pictures, so make sure they appear how you want them to look.) 

Name: Sarah

Age: 33

Number of Kids You Have: 2

Number of Kids You Want: 2. For awhile I thought about 3, but we are all potty trained and in school. It's really nice not to have to carry a diaper bag and to get a full nights sleep (most of the time).

Profession: I am a stay at home mom. Before the kids came around, I was was a legal assistant. I love being able to see their growth. Although some days I crave adult conversation. I also have my blog, which keeps my brain active :)

What is your favorite memory as a parent? I have a lot of favorite memories, some of which would totally embarrass the kids if they ever knew I shared, so I will share some of the not too embarrassing ones. My first one was when they grabbed my finger for the first time as babies. One of my current ones is when they sometimes smile in their sleep when I give them a kiss goodnight. Of course, I don't think I'll ever forget when they came into my room, completely naked, and stated "I nakie boy!" while standing in a superhero pose. The one that always makes me get the smoochy feeling is when I find hubby and the boys playing a game or wrestling together. 

What is your favorite memory of your mom or dad? Hmm...I loved baking cookies, and eating the dough, with my Mom. For my Dad, I remember sitting in the back of the car listening to a rock station. The song I remember the most was a song with werewolves and howling. I think it was Werewolves of London.

We always say we're not going to be like our moms (or dads). What is your "Oh my god, I'm like my Mom" moment? There are several, but one the first times it hit me was when I said "Because I told you so."

What is your best parenting advise? You know your child best. Listen to your gut. There have been times that I knew my child was off and others thought it was nothing. We went to the doctor and sure enough he was sick. Also, write down the important milestones and funny moments when they happen in a memory book. They can be easily forgotten in the everyday rush.

What is the funniest thing your child has said? There's a never ending stream. However, the latest one was a conversation between the boys. Bernardo had just come home from school, was tired, and wanted to play by himself. Higgins kept bugging Bernardo to play with him. Finally Bernardo asks, "Why would I want to play with you?" with all the indignation an older brother could muster. Higgins replies, "Because you have good taste?"

What is your pet peeve? Snotty noses. I know, I know. It's a weird one, but I have had allergies and runny noses almost all my life. I can't stand to see boogies hanging out. My kids are like any other kids and don't like to have their noses wiped off, so they just roll their eyes at me. Some days it isn't worth the fight, but it will bug me all day.

What is your favorite dessert and/or indulgence? I have a huge weakness for sweets. My favorite is probably a cannoli or chocolate cheesecake.

What is your favorite thing to do (without the kids)? I love going to dinner and a movie with my husband. 

What is your favorite thing to do with your kids? I love going on new adventures with the kids. However, our favorite repeat is going to the zoo. We also have dance parties, because they are still young enough to think that mommy dances well.

What is your favorite holiday? Halloween, followed by Christmas. I love Halloween because of the decorations and how much fun the kids have. Strangely enough, I hate haunted houses. I love Christmas because we get to spend time with family. The look on my kids faces on Christmas morning makes the late night wrapping worth it.

What book are you reading? The last book I read was Masters of Spinjitzu, a Ninjago book. My personal reading time has been cut back considerably. 

List one random piece of information about yourself: I hate folding laundry. Sometimes though, it can make me smile.
Hubby and Bernardo's boxers. I didn't even realize they had
matching boxers until I did laundry one day.

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