
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Light Up The Bath

My kids love taking baths and playing with boats and other random toys. Baths usually happen right before bed time, so it is usually dark out. One night I had extra small glow sticks laying around, and decided to make a new "toy" to play with in the bath. Once I made the glow balloons, I filled the tub and turned off the bathroom light. I left the hallway light on to provide some light, but the dimness in the bathroom made it a lot more fun to play with the glow balloons.
It is surprisingly hard to get a decent picture of the glow balloons.

For these fun bath time toys, you will need:

  • Balloons
  • Small glow sticks (about 1 per balloon)
1. Crack the glow sticks and make sure the ones you are using actually light up. (I usually find a couple of duds in each package.)
2. Next, stretch out the balloon and insert a glow stick. DM Tip: I found the bracelet sized glow sticks worked the best.
3. Blow up the the balloons and tie off the ends.
4. Fill up the bath and place in the balloons.
5. Have fun!

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