
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Gingerbread House

Our gingerbread house. The kids each have their own
side of the house to decorate. We get the front and back.

For the last several years, we have made a gingerbread house near Christmas. I haven't baked my own gingerbread yet; when it comes to this, I am super lazy and buy a gingerbread house kit. The kids still love it and I have a lot less mess and hassle to deal with.

Last year, the house did not come already assembled. The walls and roof had to be "glued" on with the icing. It takes awhile for the icing to set (about 1 hour), and I did not want to sit there holding the house together! :)  Luckily for me, I have a very smart engineering husband who came up with this solution.
We have a slate topped table, so he placed some duct tape on the
corner of the cardboard base to hold the house in place. He blew
up a balloon so it applied a little pressure to the roof and duct
taped that down too. (For both sides of the roof.)

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