
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Edible Igloo

For these fun and delicious snacks, you will need:
  • White frosting/icingg
  • Mini Marshmallows
  • Paper or Styrofoam Cups

1. Cut 1 inch off top of cup.
2. "Glue" to a plate with icing, cut side down.
3. Use the icing to attach marshmallows, starting at the base. Cover the entire cup.
4. Stack marshmallows in front to form a door.
 (I ran out of mini marshmallows and cut a large marshmallow into slices to finish the roof and the doorway roof.)

We then got a little ambitious and added in a candy cane pole. I stuck it through chocolate marshmallows and "glued" on with white icing.

DM Tip: You can also use large marshmallows for larger sized cups, or cut the large marshmallows into pieces if you cannot find mini-marshmallows.

1 comment:

  1. That's cute! I wish I had enough to make one I could use as a fort. It would be totally worth it to eat my way out. ;-)


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