For this craft you will need:
- 4 Popsicle sticks
- Cardboard square or thin wood square
- Felt, Construction paper, or Cardstock
- Tic Tac Toe pieces (such as X's and O's or the letters of their names)
1. Cut out a cardboard square (or piece of wood) for your base.
2. Next, cut out a piece of construction paper, cardstock, or felt to fit the base and glue on. (I used felt. I figured the boys could play with it in the car and felt sticks together a little bit so the pieces would stay put.)
3. Glue two popsicle sticks lengthwise, equally distance apart.
4. Glue down two popsicle sticks across the bottom two to form your tic tac toe board. There are two ways to do this:
a. Glue down the popsicle sticks across the top of the bottom sticks.
b. Cut the popsicle sticks to lay flat. (This is the option I choose. I didn't want to hear about any pieces rolling or sliding into the other person's spot on the game board.)

5. Create your game pieces. I cut out circles from white felt and squares from red felt. You could cut out shapes from paper, coins, bottle tops, etc.
- You could paint the board with magnetic paint or use a magnetic sticker sheet to cover the board. Attach small magnet discs (or cut out your shape from a magnetic tape roll) to the back of the pieces to make a car friendly game.
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