Welcome! I am a mom to two wonderful kids, a lovely retired greyhound, and a wife to a great husband. Needless to say, there are a lot of daily messes to clean up around our house. Daily Messes is my blog to share ideas on things to do with your kids, snack and meal ideas, crafts, and holiday fun. I hope you find something to enjoy!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Identify This: Part 15

If you think you know what it is, or just want to guess, post in the Comments! For the answer, scroll down to the bottom!


Triple Paste Diaper Cream on my son's dresser.

Today's Identify This was brought to you by Higgins. Do you ever get the feeling that it's too quiet? I had that feeling and went to check on the youngest. Earlier in the day I had been cleaning out his dresser and left a tube of Triple Paste on the top. He apparently had gotten his step stool, obtained the paste, untwisted the cap, and proceeded to make sure that his dresser could never get a case of diaper rash. *Sigh* Kids.........
Higgins cleaning up his mess


  1. Hi! Following you from TGIF Blog Hop! Would appreciate the follow back! Have a great day & weekend! -Kat


    Looks like toothpaste! But I feel you! I've been there!


I love to hear from you! I promise I read every comment, but I don't always remember to respond to each one.