
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ice Cream In A Bag

Today is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day! We made chocolate ice cream with mini chocolate chips. It was pretty easy and the kids had lots of fun shaking the bag!

Vanilla Ingredients:
1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 cup milk, 1/4 teaspoon vanilla, 6 tablespoons Rock Salt (Kosher Salt might work too), ice, gallon Ziploc bag, sandwich size Ziploc bag

Chocolate Ingredients:
1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, 6 tablespoons Rock Salt, ice, gallon Ziploc bag, sandwich size Ziploc bag

1 cup fruit juice, 6 tablespoons Rock Salt (Kosher Salt might work too), ice, gallon Ziploc bag, sandwich size Ziploc bag

1. Fill the gallon bag halfway full with ice.
2. Add Rock Salt and close the bag.
3. Fill the sandwich size bag with the sugar, milk, and vanilla or cocoa, and close the bag.
4. Place the sandwich bag into the gallon bag and close the bag.
5. Shake until mixture turns into ice cream (usually 5 to 7 minutes). The bag can get pretty cold, so my kids
    ended up wearing their winter gloves to shake the bag!
6. Open carefully and enjoy. (Makes 1 scoop) It is more of a soft serve ice cream, than a really hard ice

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great summer activity. Thanks!
    I found you at the TGIF Blog Hop.


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